Thursday 7 April 2011

Final Story

The Stranger

You saw me before I saw you, a stranger, your eyes burned through my back, and I could feel your presence even the in busy bustle of a Saturday market. You’d been following me, I knew it. Yet something about you lured me into a place where I felt secure and untouchable, even if you could flatten me with one quick blow. Somehow, for reasons still unknown to me, your face entreged me, your awquard body language made your 6ft 2 structure inviting. It was your eyes that literally stopped me in my steps. So big, so beautiful, I could feel myself slipping into them, slowly loosing my thoughts in their light blue haze. They always say never judge a book by its cover, and I suppose they’re right.


The cover well built, muscular god. Chiseled features covered with just the right amount of stubble. As I gaze at your face you truly are beautiful, but in a rugged way. Littered with little crevices stemming from your eyes, circling your brow. When you smile two dimples’ appear. Your laugh makes my heart flutter, it was a soft soothing noise like warm caramel to my ears. Sporting the new season fashion, fresh from the hanger; literally dressed head to toe like the perfect mannequins, a life size representation of any girls dream.
On appearance you had all the attributes of a good guy. The blue-eyed boys never play the villain…

You’d been following me since New York Street, well that’s when I first noticed you. As I said, I felt you watching me, stalking me, a deer foraging, ambushed by a ravage beast. The predator stalking its prey with calculation and stealth. His pure mass and muscle overcoming the feeble intelligence of his prey.  To anyone looking at you, you must have been fitted as the shady character, a man following a girl, how original. Yet to me it was flattering, a plain schoolgirl, lacking in the breast department, owning the chest of a boy. Dressed in an ugly short grey skirt, my awful legs on show. None the less I’d still roll it up at the waste band making it even shorter, so when I walk up stairs you could see my bargain bin knickers picked out from last years Ann Summers sale marathon, they were lace. My mousey brown hair always smothered my face, hiding my hideous features. I still slap on the make up every morning though. My dinosaur strut usually causes a stare, passer bys presume I’m just a stroppy teen angry at the world, when actual fact its another shit defect I got from my parents, cheers guys.
So, you see my train of thought, why would someone as high flying and as glamorous as you follow me?

I felt someone brush past my thigh, it was you.
The hairs on my back stood to attention, my eyes locked onto your face taking in your appearance slowly, scanning through every detail. I didn’t want to miss even the tiniest information. You accidentally on purpose bumped into me, dropping your copy of my favourite magazines of all time, featuring the best guitarist on front. If there was ever a moment to strike up a convocation, that was the opportune right there. Some people like to wave at them as they pass by. Me, I bit the bullet.
As I droned on about something insignificant, your eyes were too intense to stare into for long, like the world would stop if I carried on for a second longer. You asked me questions, I don’t remember answering. I was in a haze, suddenly everything seemed a little brighter, the tramp on the street asking for money, didn’t seem to be a drug addict anymore, he was just a mass victim of a savage house fire. The street lamps sparkled, instead of the bulb being faulty and irritating, they fluttered in and out of sight mystery surrounded them. The sky turned to a majestic blue and purple swirl, pinpointed with tiny fairy lights scattered like a small child’s toys. Just five minutes earlier I wanted to be home, away from this horrible place, in fear of being attacked. Now, it was the only place I wanted to be.

His flat was clean clinical, reflecting the precise actions of a murderer cleaning up his evidence; a strong smell of bleach hit me in a wave followed by various cleaning products. Convosation lead us into the kitchen where he offered me brew. I accepted, deep in topic, I was drawn to him. He had a lot to say, I suppose most of the time I was zoned out in another land daydreaming. You didn’t seem to notice.
All of a sudden out of the blue you pounced. You had me pushed against the wall, supporting my suspended weight. Your kiss was hard, rough, but I liked it. My hands were spread apart with your hand clenching my wrists. It was at this point I really notice how small I was in comparison to you.
My legs wrapped around your waist, my hands caressing your face, you back, you entire body. Your hands were warm, clammy and tough, grating over my skin with force, grasping onto my body, scratching, forcefully. You enjoyed my wincing in pain. We went further, you began to undress me. I could feel you wanted it. I knew what happened next.
You tasted sweet.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw a plastic sheet covering a large area on the floor, no furniture, no knickknacks, no clutter, nothing. A single plastic sheet.
I reached my hand down toward my stomach wincing at the thought of what was about to happen, all the things I would never be able to do. Everything I ever wanted from life, gone. In that moment I wondered what life was all about. I’d like to say I found out. I’d like to say I achieved something. I’d like to say I wasn’t raped. I’d like to say I wasn’t murdered, right there in that flat, on that plastic sheet.

Right in that moment the door burst open. They found me. 

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